建谊工艺品创建于1995年,座落于美丽的海滨城市厦门,公司主营:树脂工艺品,工厂面积3000多平米, 现有一批专业研发人员,全厂员工共有300多人,本厂依靠科学严格的生产管理体系和优质的售后服务,已形成一套完善的设计开发、现场生产、市场营销体系.欢迎各界商友参观洽谈。
我们将与客户以“双赢”的合作理念,以高品质的产品,最优良的服务,提供给客户和消费者。真诚希望新老客户一如既往的支持我们,互惠互利,携手合作共创建谊绚丽未来 !!
Jian Yi Crafts was founded in 1995, is located in the beautiful coastal city of Xiamen, the company Services: resin crafts, plant area of 3,000 square meters, the existing group of professional R & D staff, all plant employees 300 people, rely on scientific and strict factory production management system and superior after-sales service, has formed a complete design, development, production and marketing system. welcome all friends to visit and negotiate business.
We will work with customers to "win-win" cooperation concept with high quality products, best service, available to customers and consumers. Sincerely hope that the new and old customers continue to support our mutual benefit, work together to create friendship were brilliant future! !