北京泛斯机床有限公司是集研制、开发、生产于一体的高新技术企业,公司主导产品:CNC雕刻机、激光雕刻机、等离子切割机。公司生产的"锋弛 "系列产品远销欧美、俄罗斯、中东及东南亚等数十个国家和地区,在国内外均设有分公司及售后服务中心。
历经数载的发展,公司的产品已经涵盖了木工行业、广告装饰行业、模具行业、玻璃制品行业、石材加工业以及工艺礼品行业。公司立志创新,雄厚的技术保证了产品在性能及质量上不断完善,在机械设计以及数控工艺技术方面取得了突出的成绩,实现了数控技术向产业化转化的过程,巩固了"锋弛 "系列产品在同行业的领先地位。
Beijing kemingweiye Technology Development is a specialized manufacturer integrating research, development, design, production, sales and service into one complete whole. The main products are CNC engraving machine, laser engraving machine and plasma cutting machine. FANCH engraving machine always sold to America and Europe, Russia and other countries.
After several years of development, our products are already covered by the woodworking industry, the advertising industry, logos, signs, handiwork industry, etc. Our products-the “FANCH” Series engraving machines are very popular in home and abroad that are improved and become more and more advance according to customer’s demands that makes our company is at the head of the profession.