郑氏佛珠工艺有限公司公司位于中国著名的木雕之乡--莆田仙游榜头, 本厂长期致力于高档檀木佛珠系列的研究和开发,制作工艺精益求精!生产各种规格的小叶紫檀佛珠,海南黄花梨佛珠,绿檀佛珠,手串,手链,念珠,有意者与我联系,联系人:郑先生;手机:15880306060,QQ:7965342
Mr cheng is a limited company is located in the process of the country -- 莆田仙游 榜头, our long-term commitment to high-end 檀木 佛珠 series of research and development, production techniques of excellence. the production of various sizes, the lobules 紫檀 yellow green, hainan pears, and his relatives without asking, "string of beads, please contact me. contact : mr cheng ; phone : 15880306060